Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's All About Them Chum Part 1

It's the little secret.

And it is true except for the dramatic reversals like men who are abusive.

Those men should be dropped into John Carpenter's New York with Snake Pliskin, Sly Stallone, Slingblade, Arnold, Condi Rice and Nancy Pelosi (oh...and the guy with the wood chipper from Fargo, or maybe Roy Batty from Bladerunner).

Now that we have disposed of them, there are the rest of us men....about 64 percent.

And here is the secret's never been about you.

It is always about women, or your woman. Make no mistake. It's as sure as gravity.

They are the deal, you are the occasion.

I just want it to sink in. and yes ladies...I am on to you...and I live in a fortress and have hot pitch on the stove for when you attack and I will not go easy into the night cuz I've had enough!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

confidence in a man is a huge turn on.....then there is over-confidence...that's when a woman says: "who the fuck do u think U r?" and proceeds to rip your balls off.....i'm just sayin.