Cool pic huh?________________________________________
It is about "women-folk" guys.
You may have slightly advanced physical prowess (never underestimate a small woman with a large heavy object). You men may funnel your testosterone into your professional drive and someday be as mad with power as Martha or Oprah.
It matters not.
If you take the biblical guys were the first prototype and just used for parts on the superior model.
Deal with it. It's in the Bible.
Women have it over you hands down. They are smarter, more verbally adept, and they have a shape that can make you do the unconceivable at the right moment.
They also tend to rise above the major world-wide crap we men produce. They can produce children out of their bodies and you are just a donor. Build a missile, or create a videogame. You cannot compete.
They also have breasts that feed your offspring and also tighten and get hard when you touch her just right. You have one sexual center. She has several.
She’s a swirl and you are a stick.
Your only advantage is that you are taller and can open jars that she can't.
So why was Mac so forlorn?
Typical. He's in love with a woman who is not in love with him. Idiot.
I told him this would happen. He's a shmuck. He never listens, or at the wrong moments.
The Saint is worse off. He has a woman email stalking him.
Because he deems himself literary (I am the only one the three that published regularly in print) he answers and it just gets weird from there. She sends him a sweet note, followed later by one with all manner of accusations and assumptions.
There will be a rabbit in his stewpot soon. I will only laugh.
Me? I just wanna get laid. I am an animal. I just wanna be conquered and get it over with.
Lay alien eggs in my chest, decide my karma, assign me duties, make me a sex-slave. It's all okay because it really is only about women.
Not the environment, not politics, not truth, taxes or values, etc... It's just about them.
Face it. Yer just Chum. Chum.