Thursday, August 11, 2005

Human Interest, Part 4

Lance is interested in Sheryl, who is interested in Lance. Lots of folks were interested in Lance's bid to win his 7th straight Tour, and others are interested in Sheryl's next tour. They are an interest magnet.

The interest is obvious because I can use their first names alone amidst 6.5 billion people on Earth and you know who they are.

But only now. Later...two years from now, that interest may wane. Their own interest in each other may dissipate. Human beings are hard to keep engaged. They gain and lose interest easily and then gain new interests unless they simply give up and become irrevocably bored.

It seems often that we are on one side of interest or the other, whether it is monitary interest or personal interest.

And we spend so much time trying to gain the interest of others when, really, so much of everything is about self-interest.

"What's in it for me?" seems the dominant question.

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Anonymous said...

Of course!

The me, myself and I is the most interesting thing to be interested in and whatever interests me, myself, and I is what everyone else is to be interested in too!

tabitha jane said...

how many times when i talk to someone do i do so talking about myself? wait, i am doing it right now!

Anonymous said...

this is true. attention seekers...interested in seeking the attention of others, at what cost? what gain? when truly self-interest is most important, is it not? but if self interest is to gain the interest of others in ones self...then interest becomes attainable, or attained....can u attain ones interest? i'm off they do make a cute couple and he's hot.... ;)