Sunday, September 04, 2005

Al Michaels on God, part Seven

Michael Clarke Duncan. The Big Man.

I was on my way to go and wash my face when I met her in the hall. Her hair was wet and sexy. Mary Louise Parker.

She smiled and kissed me on the mouth and said "you are damned sexy."

I love dreams like this. Then she said "Go wash up and meet me upstairs Big Man."

"Big Man?" I thought. I guess I am on the tall side...but it was an unusual reference.

I went into the bathroom of the hotel and washed my face. When I looked up I jumped back. I was Michael Clarke Duncan. Or I looked just like him.

Handsome devil, but a bit imposing. I scared the living crap out of me.

Then Anthony Michael Hall walked in and smiled and used the urinal. I almost stepped on Rodney Allen Rippey on the way out. There was no sign of Fred Dalton Thompson to the right or Tommy Lee Jones to the left.

I crept upstairs to room 333 and entered. Al Michael's was sitting in a comfortible chair and MLP was sitting on the bed nervous.

"It's not my fault!" she said nervously and looking away.

"Hey!" I said "This is my dream and it'll do what I say."

Then Michaels got up and said, "How do you feel Big Man?" I looked down at my huge dark hands and said "I feel really good Al. How are you?"

"I found out my center and my last name Maug." he said cool as placid ice. But there was a hint of menace.

The man in the blue suit showed up in the doorway.

"Should I take him now?" he said.

"Yeah, take him now." Michaels said, and the man hustled me out the door.

On the way down in the elevator he quoted Sartre, Henry Miller, and Miguel de Unamuno.

When he started whispered passages from Hemingway's A Clean Well Lighted Place, I turned and tried to punch him in the mouth. But he had turned into Rodney Allen Rippey and my large hand splintered harmlessly over him into the elevator wall with a crash. He simply gave me a swift kick to the nuts and I fell like a huge stack of newspapers on a New York street corner.

"It was the lobster, idiot," little RAR said. "He would have let you off easy but you had to get cute."

I groaned and the doors slided open on the bottom floor and there was Anthony Michael Hall and Gabriel García Márquez. I looked up half dazed and said to GGM "You're not an actor...what are you doing here?"

"This idiot doesn't know how to tie an animal to a tree," he said. "I do." They dragged me out, still in pain.

They tied me to a tree. Well GGM did. AMH just watched and giggled.

"The wolves will be along shortly," AMH said and GGM said it would be easier to let me go mad.

"Get a beer?" AMH said to GGM.

"Sure," he said. "Can we get nachos too?"

"I'll check."

Okay so it wasn't the end...but you never can tell with dreams now can you?

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Anonymous said...

geee, i didn't know you could dream like a TV show 'to be continued after i awake the next day'

tabitha jane said...

did you really dream that maug or was it just some good imagination?

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Iguess the technical term might be "Gonzo Dreaming".

The very bare bones of it did happen in a dream..Micahels, the chicken place, the man in the blue suit and SJP showing up in the swimming pool.

The rest is just having fun with a "what if?" Which is why I have stalled a bit in finishing it. I am not sure what happens next, which often happens in fiction.

Anonymous said...

'What if's are fun to tool around with! Gives kind of a freedom that boundries are able to be expanded.

hehehehe, so deep a thought eh?

You, had to go with word id thing. Kinda sucks to have to go to lengths to keep unwanted sales people from calling