Monday, September 19, 2005

It's Time to Meet the Team and Cast of Characters


There are a cast of colorful charcaters that reside in and around The Citadel and it is time we named them.

We all know Mac is the ringleader, but he attracts the oddest people.

I'm the only normal one.

There is , of course, the infamous Manfred, Mac's long-time manservant who has never done an honest day's work in his life. Hans Gruber is his turgid German interior designer and just, well, a bit particular. Every once and awhile Col. Smythe will drop in from British Intelligence, or Pastor Derrick BacGhee will come by to counsel him.

Then there is Tim Whipple the "Concerned Guy", and Tele-evangelist Juan Terrel.

But in this post we are gonna talk about Alfonso, Mac's semi-Italian gardner who has the most annoying voice you have ever heard.

Alfonso suffers from Blocusglandulusinflationada in which the tail end of puberty is prolonged through the rest of your life.

Thus Alfonso's voice is always cracking at the oddest moments and is far too high for a man of his years.

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