Sunday, September 04, 2005

Al Michaels on God, part Six


I turned around and saw a table filled with lobster tails and white plates and ramikins of butter sauce and lemon.

"Hey Michaels," I yelled, "Over here!"

"I love lobster!" he exclaimed and he laughed as I tied the lobster bib around his neck.

I did not need one. As we sat down and ate and we grabbed the hunks of sweet lobster meat and dipped them in the warm slaty lemon butter and ate I made sure every drop of residual butter flew his way and splatted on his bib.

He glowered at me at one point.

"This one's on me Al" I said. Spack, spack, twick!

"It's good lobster isn't it?" I asked as a big glob of yellow goo started to drip off.


"Oops! I missed."

"Very funny," as he wiped his cheek off.

"So what is your beef with God Al?"

"Don't have one Maugam," he said. "Rather have lobster."

A waitress brought over the phone and I hit line two.

"Dr. Malraux?"


"The baby was just delivered and Mr. Hoffman wanted you to know."

"What did they name him?"

"How do you know it's a him?"

"The name please?"


"Stanley Ari Nicole Seymour Philip Parker Hoffman?"



"Stanley Simon Sarah Seymour Jessica Mary Louis Ari Nicole Philip Parker Parker Parker Bowles Hoffman ala Antoine."

"Oh this is a stupid dream."

I hung up and went for another plate of lobster, They had also brought a tray of very large scampi. I was very hopeful I would not wake up anytime soon.

Which was a mistake.

The end...

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1 comment:

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

not over...sorry...