Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Maugham Responds To Reader Comments

Is this a sexy picture or what? Beautiful. and women seem to fixate a bit on B& know. But it is a mistake. See it's really about the "swim"...that wonderful curve above the hips that sweeps up into her ribs, arching back and chest.

Look at the swim on this girl.

But the cool thing is women of all sizes and all ages have beautiful swims. I'll leave it at that. But dang!

It's a well known fact, Sonny-Jim that only the FINEST people read this Blog and have the most amazing comments in response to my endless prattling. Thus, we gig into the comment bag today!

This from the now wonderfully-red-headed-dreaded Tabs in an exchange with very astute husband:

"tabitha jane" he says, "the only reason men do anything is so that they can have sex"

"really?" i respond.

"yes. why do i take a shower and shave? so i can keep my horrible job. why do i work this horrible job? so i can make money to pay for school. why do i work so hard to do well at school? so i can graduate and get a good job. why do i want to get a good job? so i can be seen as dependable and stable and therefore be attractive to a woman. why do i want to be attractive to a woman? so i can get laid."

This is very good but only during certain stations of life. Stations of life are a lot like the "stations of the cross".

The Ever-Gracious Martha said...

sounds to me what Maug wrote about was the 'princess syndrome' which all women have to an extent.

Well this is the Romantic Myth at the core. The betrothed is to be wed to the King, who, it turns out is a good man who actually loves. But the hum-drum of their lives leaves her empty and wanting. Plus he farts in bed and snores.

So she dreams of another and there he is...the new warrior and friend of the king (or perhaps just a guy on Craigslist).

A love triangle ensues which creates a heightened sense of drama and excitement, all of which serves to keep all three of them, and their many minions, from dealing with the more real questions about life and existence that are there every day.

That was 12th Century France, or 14th Century England. Today we just email flirt or eat Hagan Das out of the carton while watching other people do it all for us.

tabitha jane said...

companionship . . . men also need companionship.

This is underated. Of course some men do not need companionship, just direct supervision.

I am the wrong person to ask about this, but I suspect you are right.

Maugham Malraux said...

Tabs- yes they do...and more than they can fathom. But it flows both ways.

Find a man who is in touch with that and a woman in touch with her need to be intimate and physical and you got soemthing. Without got fleets of ships passing each other in the cold silent night.
I'm gonna stick with this cuz I see a sea of ships.

Mitzzee said...

as much as i want this to be's just not that's not all about us...i mean, we'd like it to be, we'd like to think it is and i'm sure even some men (yourself for instance) believe it is....but truly sex is a two way street and for the best results....both parties should participate with their animalistic intentions and raw passion and sexual drive....but who am i to talk, huh?
Personally I think a whole lotta other human stuff gets way inbetween the animalistic and passionate. Everybody has a reason why it will not work. Frankly, many times these reasons are good ones. If you get more than seven reasons listed that ring true, it's best to become a monk.

We make most everything too complicated. And when we don't, it is. So this is why humor and humility are so important.

Even though they are related, the human race is good at one, but sucks at the other.

I bet you can all figure out which one is which.

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Anonymous said...

yeah humor is a knack in which to put into use ;)

Seriously, humility is not easy, it involves trust.
In a relationship, when humility is expressed,it requires grace from the other person. Unfortunatly this seems to be lost today.

we like to play the 'forgiveness but on probation' thing. what a difficult way to work out issues.

tabitha jane said...

my husband calls the curve of the back and the side of the hips the "apex" where all these other curves come together and meet. it's his favorite part of a woman.

(blushing) thanks for posting my comment on your blog.

for the record: my husband isn't really that shallow . . . but in part, he was right.

Anonymous said...

you are quite simply awesome.

and that picture is way hot...i need a cold shower now..and yes the swim...very sexy...i also like the legs when crossed...the exterior of the thigh to the hip, the's so sexy.