Monday, September 19, 2005

Manfred and the Connelly Incident 2

So Mac wakes up the next morning, after walking home in the fog and settling in at 4 a.m. with a glass of scotch.

The apartment is unkempt. Manfred has left all his dishes in the sink. He is unaccounted for even now. Several Soap digests litter the table and a bag of fresh incense. Mac lights one but it smells like cow dung. He flushes it down the toilet, takes a pill and collapses.

When he awakes he is alone at in The Citadel. His roomate is gone to work, Manfred and the Jeep are unaccounted for.

He considers throwing himself off the balcony but figures the drop is not nearly severe enough.

He considers that if there was not a landing inbetween it would be enough. He wonders if he could do it in stages, then decides against it on pain principles.

He has no car and Manfred has gone awol.

But he has his mountain bike. So he grabs it and heads down the stairs before realizing that both tires are flat.

He walks two miles to a station that has a pump, but they need quarters...two of pump simple air.

He begs a woman in a huge SUV and she relents.

She curses under her breath as he leaves.

It starts to get hot but he moves ahead. Mile after mile he pumps away. It gets colder and colder and it actually feels good to him. It cools his fever.

When he pulls up to the house he sees Manfred walking down the drive of the house and quickly grabbing Connelly's arm in anger.

Mac is overcome and he bolts for Manfred and tackles him in the dark gravel in a mad rush.

Suddenly others are on him pulling him off. In a daze he looks off West and sees Manfred standing serene against a long fence.

He has attacked Sir Ben Kingsley and utterly mortified Jennifer Connelly.
______________________________ next?
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