Thursday, July 28, 2005

Can you name them?

I got this idea directly from Mitzzee!

See if you can name the folks above in order. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

1. Lorne Green ??
2. Walter Cronkite ??
3. Fairuza Balk
4. Paul Reubens (aka Peewee Herman)
5. Fidel Castro

shit the 1st 2 are hard....and i have a feeling i'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

and the answers ARE?????

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

1. Stuart Damon
2. Patrick McGoohan
3. Fairuza Balk
4. Paul Reubins
5. Michael Nesmith (The Monkees)

Anonymous said...

ok 1st two i would NEVER have guessed, but the last one...SHIT I should have known that one! lmao...I said FIDEL CASTRO! ;)