Saturday, July 23, 2005

CoffeeHouse Diary 11: Guns and More Guns 5

Now as you may know by now, I have been on the receiving end of a gun or two.

I have not been shot, but I have been shot at.

It's weird because if this tiny little piece of metal makes it's way into a vulnerable part of your body, you can be dead in minutes.

If not, then you just get an adrenaline rush x 5.

It certainly is nothing like television. I was up last week with The saint and he told me how it use to quick blood and no one yelled...they went quiet.

[I think he misses the old days]

Anyway, we live is a far more dangerous world. Today a man was shot in London for jumping a turnstile, yet it made sense. The NRA continues it's lobby for automatic and semi-automatic assault weapons for "hunters" (gotta spray those deer!); and we speak opening of freedom when we really mean death. Another man was drunk and waved a gun which went off through his head...death and more death.

That is why guns exist...whether for humans or animals or whatever. They deliver death, which comes anyway, but a bullet comes sooner.

I like water guns, and even disks that ricochet off teeth...because it's all in good fun on some level.

Death is not. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

This was really interesting, was giggling through it till the last entry with real guns. I became sober, yet, wasn't repulsed because the 'tide changed' it did leave me to consider peoples intent with guns, whether it be toy or real.
Each one has a specific purpose which can bring joy or pain. Then of course you want to go out and buy the super soaker!

I also got a bit confused with the end of the 'lemonade incident' where in italics it said 'what came next' then you go into the real guns. I think i missed something. If so could you please tell me what went over my head?

Obi-Mac BakDon said...
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Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Good point! I changed it.

Anonymous said...

and not that it matters, but when I was 16, first job, ever, I too was on the receiving end of a gun.....held up at gun point by a WOMAN no less, for narcotics.

I laughed, thought she was kidding, even as her nylon strapped face glared at me with desperation and anxiety.

I OBVIOUSLY came out unscathed, but the elderly pharmacist I worked with had triple bypass surgery because of it.....guess if she only got 3 mths in jail.

LOVED this entire episode on guns. TALENTED.....YOU ARE.