Sunday, July 17, 2005

CoffeeHouse Diary #6 Maughamus Interruptus

I've been interrupted for the last damned time today!

But before I tell you why I am so frustrated I have to interrupt myself and give you some personal information as background.

Some people have dogs, other cats, hamsters, rats, mice, iguana's that never move, and fish.

I have a goldfish, a crayfish and a parakeet named Nichaolas Birdayyev. The crayfish also has a name. When my sons cought him at the park pond I asked what they wanted to name him.

"Mr. Go-Go Head" ws the immediate reply, so Mr. Go-Go Head it was.

He lived in peace in our flat until 4:15 a.m. this morning when my sound sleep was interrupted by a high-pitched whine. The whine came from my fish tank filter because it was not longer able to reach down into the water. I could not longer reach down into the water because the water level had dropped dramatically by at least ten inches.

Any guesses as to where the water went?

I spent the next two hours trying to save my goldfish who I had raised from tiny "feeder fish" to near trout-like proportions. My living room was a marsh and at one point I looked over just in time to see Mr. Go-Go Head about to engage Mr. Birdyayev in moratl combat. The parakeet was trying to shout down the crustacean with a series of threats involving him flying into the kitchen and preparing a ramikin of butter suace, but Mr. Go-Go Head was not impressed and continued his laborious assault to get his claw around Mr. Birdyayev's beak.


To be continued.

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1 comment:

ssas said...

This might just be my favorite thing I ever read from you.
Recent interruptions in my life include:

asshole kids crushing forward to get closer to the Offspring-I had to interrupt my listening to escape the crowd.

an extrordinarily gassy husband

boiling tea kettle

early onset of hangover

half-drunk middle-of-the-night worrying

the trashman

the list goes on, but you get the picture. In fact, I would say that perhaps in the last twenty-four hours, my life has been nothing but one big interruption.