Saturday, July 30, 2005

Interview with Mac Part 4

Roy batty playing chess with his maker in Bladerunner.

Part 4

MM: You used an old word "Gospel". When I think of that word I think of tent preachers threatening people with hellfire and damnation.

MAC: Well the word simply means "Good News", which is another irony because so many people make it utterly bad news.

Imagine two newspapers delivered to your door. One is pretty much like the one you get today filled with the bad news of murders, rape, incest, scancals and all manner of perversion.

MM: Wait. All manner, or just some?

MAC: Okay, some manner of perversion...the kinda that is bad news for somebody.

Then to that add threats of terrorism, both global and local. Then add to that the secret negative thoughts and judgments of all those around daily print. Then a full page add on the final page, supposedly from God saying "I've been watching, you are in deep shit."

MM: I'd cancel my subscription..

MAC: Really? Do you?

That would be the Bad News newspaper and is representative of those who try and scare/terrorize people for religion's sake.

The Good News newspaper would also arrive. It would not gloss over the realities which had happened, but they would not be front page news by any means. Perhaps they would be in section H with opportunities to help and care for victims.

But the front page would be about how God loves the world and all the ways that had happened, through real people the last 24 hours. It would all be good news. But straight and sober, not saccharin.

It would also be about how people love people just as much. Maybe they do not believe in God, but they believe in love.

That is also Gospel. Good news is good news.

In the midst of hard realities it would also be a celebration of all that is good news.

The relief efforts in Africa, the success of some new medical procedure in France, growing political pressure to bring safety to those under siege in. All the births, and I mean all of them. The woman who beat breast cancer, the man who fixed his elderly neighbor's house. The cop who talked the man off the bridge, the young couple who took a homeless man out to dinner. Love letters, how many times that day people comforted each other in distress. How many times people forgave each other and made new starts.

It's hard for me to even describe Maug, because it is so contrary to what we know. But to answer your question "Gospel" just means "good news". Anything that emphasizes all that is bad is not "Gospel".

MM: Man, you can go on. So what's this trans-stuff. Is that like the margarine I'm supposed to buy at the store so I don't have a heart attack?

MAC: Yer a smart boy. I created you with enough stuff to translate that.

MM: "If only you could see what I see through your eyes..." Name that movie.

MAC: (sigh) Bladerunner...but that isn't the quote you are looking for.

MM: It isn't?

MAC: No, it's the words the replicant says to his creator just before he puts his thumbs through his eyes.

That what you got planned for me?

MM: Your optometrist did call the other day. I believe he said his name was Dr. Batty?

MAC: Very funny. Next question.
Part 5...

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