Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Taal Tarzans & The New Aparthied conclusion

Without a Silver Spoon by Bode Fowotade. Available here along with other great artwork.


But back to the present.

A different type of Aparthied exists today. It's a larger and more subtle version and is world-wide. A continental problem has become a global one as Africa is, as some describe it, is "on fire", and as Bono and others point out, if it happened almost anywhere but Africa to dark-skinned people we would not allow it.

In other words it is still Aparthied, it's just inter-continetal now. It is politically, economically, and racially-based, just as the original doctrine was.

Therefore the African emergency is primarily an issue of JUSTICE not charity.

The problem is huge. I've read alot of criticism of Bono and Geldof recently and Live 8, mostly from pretty cynical folk. Being cynical myself, normally I'd join them except what they say is flatulence.

One guy said that the rock stars should just donate the money to save Africa. Problem solved.


He is comparing a tires with Texas.

Bono and Geldof have been consistent for twenty years in using brains, political saavy and celebrity to create awareness, political pressure and create VOICE all over the world for a dying continent. It was such pressure and the Live 8 concerts, marches, press, etc... that got the numbers for AID and debt relief kicked up as high as they became.

Without them can't you just see Dubya saying "We need to move past and beyond the Millenium agenda for Africa" ?

Which essentially means, we aren't gonna do shit because we need money for our wars.

"I'll send my wife to do a two hour 'fact-finding mission'" and show American compassion."

Which is comparing a silver tea spoon with Texas.


So we are back at square one where we need to yell and scream at the top of our lungs (VOICE) whenever any form of APART-TIDES rears it's ugly and demonic head.

There was a lot of that going on at Live 8. Posted by Picasa


martha said...

I having trouble how 'awareness' has fallen on some deaf ears. they even criticize 'awareness' as crap.

This baffles me, i thought awareness started 'with me first' meaning, something is brought to my attention, i should actually think about and investigate it and find the reality of it.

But, it seems awareness is now 'for the other guy and really what does he care'
people are not looking at themselves and evaluating.

And i agree, who could deny Bono on his words when he said that if it was anywhere else like france, globally help would be abundant.

And the in your face kinda guy Bono calls the issue in africa, racism.

Bono was not afraid to say it! And when it is that blunt it hits you in the eye and then you are forced to look inward and then the voice speaks.

good posts.

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

I believe the most cynical and power-mongers have been out-flanked. They could really decry it if it was about collecting money or was partisan.

But these folks upped the ante. The collected no money and raised the bar above partisanship.

That is what is pissing people off.

These guys got SMART.

Robin said...

One of my blog friends lives in South Africa. She talks about the problem from a different point of view, but not on her blog. She speaks from a "tired of being pitied" stance. Her claim is that so much aid comes in that the "oppressed people" they have come to expect it. They sit and wait for hand-outs instead of doing something to better themselves.

I have no doubts that she her attitude is influenced by "her fathers before her", but it is something to consider in this equation.

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

There may be some truth to that Robin in some areas when it comes to subsistence, primarily food.

Bjt the issues of clean water, and medicine/vaccines to prevent 9,000 deaths a day due to malaria and AIDS is a whole other matter. 3,000 children die each day from malaria which can be prevented by a simple vaccine. If you get a chance tday, go to this website and listen to the speech that Bono gave earlier this year here in California. It was given at the TED conference where some of the smartest folk in America gather each year.

As always, thank you for your comments.

E. Heroux said...

A very revealing juxtaposition there with the Tal monument and the finger. Incredible how those who oppress others and then repress their own guilt show an utter lack of irony and reflexive self-awareness. How the racists who invented apartheid couldn't see that white phallus!

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Erick- yeah..I is so damned obvious it is almost shocking.